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Deputy launches International Shift Worker Sunday!

Deputy launches International Shift Worker Sunday!

As frontline workers prepare for an estimated 55% increase in work hours this holiday weekend.

This weekend ...

  • Shift workers in Hospitality to see an estimated 33% increase in work hours.
  • Shift workers in the Retail sector to experience an estimated 55% increase in hours.
  • Shift workers in Services should expect up to a 21% increase in work hours.

Sydney, 24 November 2022 – Shift workers are set to work a more than 55% increase in work hours this weekend compared to the average weekend, according to estimations from smart scheduling platform, Deputy

The company is supporting the launch of a new international holiday set to celebrate shift workers. Shift Worker Sunday, celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November, is the perfect time to acknowledge the great work shift workers do and their impact on our daily lives.

Click for more information about International Shift Workers Sunday
Click for more information about International Shift Workers Sunday

Shift Worker Sunday highlights workers who make sacrifices every day, often miss special occasions or events, and work regardless of the time of the day, sometimes in unpredictable and non-compliant workplace cultures.

A shift worker is a person that works on different periods, constantly “shifting” or changing schedules that are usually outside the standard working day and timeframes.

"Society cannot operate without shift workers," said Ashik Ahmed, CEO, and Co-founder, Deputy. "They are the very people who help us cross things off our to-do lists.

The truth is, we don't thank them enough. That's why Deputy has launched Shift Worker Sunday - a day for all of us to show our appreciation by giving back to the hourly workers who make a difference in communities worldwide."

Deputy encourages people to show appreciation by making a small gesture on Sunday.

It could be giving a tip, gifting them a coffee, or leaving somebody a great review.

You could write a thank you note for the retail staff working through the busy Christmas period or tell them about a time they made a real difference to your day.

The most important thing is showing people your appreciation and kindness.

About Deputy:

Deputy is on a mission to Simplify Shift Work™ for millions of workers and businesses worldwide. The company streamlines scheduling, timesheets, tasks and communication for business owners and their workers. More than 320,000 workplaces globally use Deputy to manage schedules and effectively communicate with employees, providing millions of shift workers with more flexibility and control over their schedules. Deputy’s software gives businesses the tools they need to create a thriving workplace.

Visit, or find us on Twitter, Facebook, the App Store or Google Play for more information.

Shift Worker Sunday:

Shift Worker Sunday is a global celebration day powered by the smart scheduling platform Deputy. It aims to get employers, customers, leaders, and the larger community to take a moment to recognize, appreciate and think about how they can better interact with local shift workers in their communities.

Shift workers keep our communities connected and thriving, especially during the busy, most hectic, chaotic times of the year. It’s about damn time we show appreciation for it. Support #ShiftWorkerSunday on the 27th of November and learn more about this two billion-strong global community by joining the #ShiftWorkForward movement.

International Shift Worker Sunday
It’s time we recognize all shift workers who make our days easier!
National Today

Mat Beeche
Mat Beeche Global Strategic Communications Director






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