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Deputy makes it simple for staff to schedule their jab.

Deputy makes it simple for staff to schedule their jab.

It's time for a conversation about safety in the new world of work.

SYDNEY – September 24, 2021 – Australia is entering a new era of work where proof of full vaccination will be required to carry out in-person activities and participate in many types of customer-facing work. Business owners and managers have a massive role to play in educating workers and encouraging them to get vaccinated.

"The future of in-person work is determined by the experience of workers," says Deputy CEO, Ashik Ahmed. "For business owners and shift workers, vaccines are a necessary mechanism to maintain their safety and wellbeing in the workplace."

"That’s why we’re rolling out an education campaign so business owners can leverage our product to schedule vaccination leave and confirm their Covid-19 vaccination status where permitted by law."

The Schedule Safely Checklist helps business owners leverage Deputy to confirm the vaccination and testing status of their workforce, where permitted by law. 

Deputy customers can use existing features, like Training and Pre-Shift Questions, to seamlessly adapt their employees to changes in vaccination and Covid-19 testing mandates nationwide. 

Vaccination Tracking

Keeping track of employee vaccinations is a complicated process. By creating a training tag that identifies an employee’s vaccination status, including the dates they received their vaccinations, owners or HR personnel can seamlessly track vaccinations and schedule staff accordingly.

Covid-19 Attestation Pre-Shift Question

Pre-Shift Questions are a strong option for unvaccinated employees as they enable owners and HR personnel to determine if an employee has received a negative Covid-19 test prior to clocking into work. The question field can be tailored based on how often the test is required and a preferred time frame (in the last 24 hours, 72 hours, etc.). 

Flexible schedules

Providing staff members with the flexibility in their schedules to switch shifts, or make changes in hours so they’re able to get a vaccination or covid-19 test. 

Many workers are concerned about losing pay if they opt to take time to get vaccinated. Eliminate these concerns, and help to keep your team safe by providing paid leave to workers who wish to get the vaccination.

One-on-one conversations

Workers inherently trust their managers and business owners, and one-on-one conversations can go a long way. Especially when it comes to communicating over scheduling, availability, or even hesitancy with vaccinations and Covid-19 testing.

The toll on people's finances, job security and mental health has been crippling. Particularly the 2.3 million casual workers employed in many of Australia's frontline and pandemic-essential occupations.

This current wave of the pandemic has been particularly tough for business owners and casual workers in the hospitality industry, with an 85% decrease in shifts being scheduled by week two of the current lockdowns that is yet to begin its recovery.

To learn how to set up Vaccination Training or Covid-19 Attestation Pre-Shift Questions, visit our Scheduling Safely Checklist.

Vaccination Commentary

Ashik Ahmed, Co-founder & CEO at Deputy

“The only way for the hospitality industry to survive the pandemic is if we step up and get vaccinated. As someone who migrated here from a third-world country, I always remember how lucky I am to call Australia home. Unfortunately, everything that makes Australia, Australia is under attack by the Delta variant. How welcoming we are to tourists and migrants, our cafes, our bars, our restaurants, the Opera House - all hit by the pandemic.

Australia’s ability to come together and support each other in times of crisis is also under fire with many refusing to get vaccinated. However, this will need to change for the hospitality industry to survive the impacts of the pandemic. Business owners in the hospitality industry are often part of a wider community and owe it to those communities in this time to step up and urge their employees to get vaccinated.”

About Deputy

Deputy is on a mission to Simplify Shift Work™  for millions of workers and businesses worldwide. The company streamlines scheduling, timesheets, tasks and communication for business owners and their workers. More than 260,000 workplaces globally use Deputy to manage to schedule and effectively communicate with employees, providing millions of shift workers with more flexibility and control over their schedules. Deputy’s software helps businesses navigate workforce legislation including wages, overtime, entitlements and penalties - providing businesses with tools to simplify compliance and build a thriving workplace. Visit, or find us on Twitter, Facebook, the App Store or Google Play for more information.

Mat Beeche
Mat Beeche Global Strategic Communications Director




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