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June 2024 | Hourly Work Index 🕓

June 2024 | Hourly Work Index 🕓

United Kingdom

Healthcare 🧑‍⚕️

Avg Shifts worked

MoM Shifts Worked

Avg Hours worked

MoM Hours Worked

Average ShiftLength

15.6 🔽

6.2% 🔽

168.19 🔽

5.06% 🔽

🔼 9.42 

New Hires


Predictable Scheduling

Average Shift-pay

Average Hourly Pay

79% 🔽

65.95% 🔽

52.75 🔽

🔼 £91.08

🔼 £10.53 

Healthcare: Within the Healthcare sector, Generation X are the highest hourly earners, earning £11.35 an hour on average (up 2.53% MoM). Generation X also earns the most per timesheet, at £95.68 on average (up 5.39% MoM). Millennials have an average timesheet pay of £92.16, up 4.60% MoM, and an average hourly pay of £10.55 (up 1.54% MoM). Generation Z earns the least with an average timesheet pay of £85.78 (up 2.47% MoM), and an average hourly pay of £10.23 (up 6.34% MoM).

Hospitality 🧑‍🍳

Avg Shifts worked

MoM Shifts Worked

Avg Hours worked

MoM Hours Worked

Average Shift Length

28.93 🔽

2.65% 🔽

237.56 🔽

1.56% 🔽

🔼 7.63

New Hires


Predictable Scheduling

Average Shift-pay

Average Hourly Pay

76.78% 🔽

29.67% 🔽

🔼 12.58

🔼 £76.35 

🔼 £10.53

Hospitality: In Hospitality, Millennials are the highest earners by average timesheet pay (£82.26), up 1.17% MoM. However, Baby Boomers earn the most per hour (£11.82), up 0.08% MoM. Millennials have an average hourly pay of £10.86 (up 1.50 % MoM). Generation Z earn significantly less both for average timesheet pay (£72.42, up 0.5% MoM) and for average hourly pay (£10.16, up 0.20% MoM). Generation X earn £80.90 per average timesheet (up 0.73%) and £11.30 per hour (up 0.9% MoM).

Retail 🧑‍💻

Avg Shifts worked

MoM Shifts Worked

Avg Hours worked

MoM Hours Worked

Average Shift Length

10.32 🔽

5.69% 🔽

85.26 🔽

4.57% 🔽

7.53 🔽

New Hires


Predictable Scheduling

Average Shift-pay

Average Hourly Pay

77.61% 🔽

2.99% 🔽

🔼 17.72

🔼 £73.54

🔼 £10.44

Retail: In Retail, Generation X are the highest earners by average timesheet pay (£77.03), up 2.34% MoM. However, Baby Boomers earn the most per hour (£10.95), which is down by 0.54% MoM. Nonetheless, the average timesheet pay for Baby Boomers rose by 2.43% to £73.47. Millennials have an average timesheet pay of £75.49 (up 2.01% MoM) and an average hourly pay of £10.38 (up 0.78% MoM). Generation Z earn significantly less for average timesheet pay (£72.02, up 3.52% MoM), but more than millennials in terms of average hourly pay (£10.39, up 2.26% MoM).

Services 🧑‍🔧

Avg Shifts worked

MoM Shifts Worked

Avg Hours worked

MoM Hours Worked

Average Shift Length

11.04 🔽

5.80% 🔽

83.22 🔽

6.97% 🔽

7.5 🔽

New Hires


Predictable Scheduling

Average Shift-pay

Average Hourly Pay

82.54% 🔽

31.32% 🔽

🔼 20.18

£99.11 🔽

£15.45 🔽

Services: June saw a notable decrease in timesheet and hourly pay, with millennials earning an average timesheet pay of £97.59, down by 6.75% MoM and an hourly pay of £14.68 (down by 5.59% MoM). Generation Z are the highest earners by a significant amount, both by average timesheet pay (£120.78, down 0.64%) and hourly pay (18.21, down 1.57%). Baby boomers’ average timesheet pay also dropped, by 0.9% to £67.94, but their hourly pay rose to £11.55 (up 3.31%). Generation X earns £82.75 for average timesheet pay (up 4.07%) and £13.75 per hour on average (up 8.79%).

Sector Spotlight 💡

  • Within healthcare, those working in care facilities worked the most hours, on average 207 hours in June, compared to just 38 hours worked by hospital workers. Average timesheet pay increased Month over Month, up 0.95% compared with May. 
  • The number of new employees dropped significantly for bars (77.78%)  and restaurants (79.63%) compared with May. Cafes and coffee shop employees worked the most hours within Hospitality, working 379.39 hours on average - more than double monthly full-time hours. 
  • Within retail, home and hardware stores saw the largest increase in hourly pay (0.40%), whilst pharmacies and chemists are the only sub-sector to see a pay decrease, with hourly pay down 3.64% compared with May.
  • Healthcare and hospitality are the only sectors to report additional hours/overtime. In June, healthcare workers had an average of 4 hours (down 2.65% MoM) of monthly overtime, while hospitality workers had an additional 72 hours (down 6.2%) of monthly overtime. 
The average number of shifts and MoM hours worked are down across all sectors, with a significant decrease in healthcare, where MoM hours worked are down 6.02%. Similarly, the number of MoM hours worked in services is down 6.97%. Additionally, the number of new hires has decreased significantly across all sectors, down 79% on average - a reflection of the tumultuous jobs market and the ongoing challenge of labour shortages across sectors. 
Predictable scheduling i.e. the number of days shifts are rostered ahead of a shift and average shift pay increased across most parent industries in June, with Services being the exception, down 0.69%. Healthcare continues to roster a month or more in advance compared to other parent sectors, with 52 days' notice on average. The Hospitality sector rosters the least in advance at 12 days.
Average shift pay and hourly pay increased, but only slightly, across healthcare (0.06%), retail (1.71%) and hospitality (0.57%). Services, the only parent sector to see a decrease in shift pay of 2.64%, is the highest-paid sector,  with an average hourly pay of £15.45. Retail is the lowest-paid sector overall, with an average hourly pay of £10.44.

Economic Impact 🇬🇧

  • The data shows that workers across all four primary shift work sectors are working fewer shifts and for shorter durations. This drop in overall shift work indicates broader economic trends as businesses look to reduce labour expenses and cut costs where possible. 
  • There is a clear pattern of decreasing new hire rates across industries, suggesting a lack of stability in the jobs market. Companies show hesitancy to expand their workforce amid high expenses.
  • There is significant variation in generational pay across sectors. While Generation Z is often expected to earn significantly less, the Services sector sees Gen Z paid the most—earning more than their millennial counterparts per hour. This may be encouraging news for young workers who are entering the world or working and trying to cope with increased living costs.

💬 Commentary

Our June Jobs Report for the UK reveals notable insights into the services sector, where average hours worked decreased by 6.97%, and new hires plummeted by 82.54%. Despite these declines, the average hourly pay in the services sector is the highest among all industries at £15.45. A standout finding is the significant increase in predictable scheduling, with an average of 20.18 days in advance. This improvement in scheduling predictability can enhance job satisfaction and retention. The challenge remains to address the drastic drop in new hires and ensure that the high hourly wages translate into stable and sufficient working hours for all employees.
Deputy's Big Shift report highlighted this same challenge earlier this year, revealing that a fifth (19%) of hourly workers were engaging in poly-employment taking on multiple jobs to cope with the rising cost of living. Consistent hours are therefore crucial for financial stability. With a new government in place for the UK, this presents an ideal opportunity for policy changes. Encouragingly, Labour has committed to improving working conditions and job security. We now need to see concrete policies that prioritise predictability, flexibility and fair pay for hourly workers - a community of employees that accounts for 80% of working employees around the globe.
Silvija Martincevic
Silvija Martincevic CEO

About Deputy

Deputy is the global people platform for hourly work. Its intuitive software strengthens employer-employee connections, streamlines compliance obligations, and revolutionizes how hourly workers and businesses operate together, creating thriving workplaces. Over 330,000 workplaces use Deputy to create better work-life experiences for 1.4 million scheduled workers globally. Visit Deputy, or find us on Twitter, Facebook, the App Store, or Google Play for more information.

The Data

The “Hourly Work Index” is produced by Deputy the global people platform for hourly work, utilising anonymised and aggregated Deputy customer and user data. This data has been normalised to account for seasonality and demand of workforce fluctuations throughout the week (e.g. weekdays vs. weekends). 1.6 million shifts and 14.6 million hours from 172,435 shift workers in the United Kingdom were analysed to create this report.

Mat Beeche
Mat Beeche Global Strategic Communications Director

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