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Deputy Introduces Compliance Features to Help Chicago and Philadelphia-based Companies with Fair Workweek Legislation

Deputy Introduces Compliance Features to Help Chicago and Philadelphia-based Companies with Fair Workweek Legislation

SAN FRANCISCO - July 1, 2020 -  Chicago is just days away from rolling out Fair Workweek legislation, which is slated to go into effect on July 1, 2020, and Philadelphia’s new legislation is already in effect. Fair Workweek laws are focused on providing shift workers with more predictable, stable schedules. In an effort to help businesses in both cities with Fair Workweek compliance, leading workforce management platform, Deputy, is announcing compliance updates and options to help businesses navigate and prepare for the new legislation. 

Shift workers — whether in hospitality, call centers, retail, restaurants, manufacturing, healthcare and much more — are integral parts of society and the fuel to America’s economy. This has never been more true than now, with hourly workers holding humanity together in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this, in many cities across America, shift workers continue to lack the opportunity to have more control over their personal lives, input on when they work, and consistent scheduling. 

That is where Fair Workweek regulations come in. Since 2017, Deputy has worked to help companies in locations such as New York and Oregon comply with Fair Workweek laws that provide a predictable, fair working environment for employees. This means stable work hours, opportunities to work full-time, flexible schedules to meet personal needs and input from employees. Deputy helps with this process through a series of tools that digitizes much of the Fair Workweek process and facilitates seamless communications and record-keeping for scheduling and predictability pay. 

Below is a comprehensive list of areas where Deputy helps to simplify and streamline the Fair Workweek process for businesses and scheduling managers: 

  • Good Faith Estimates: Deputy provides scheduling managers with the opportunity to manage and seamlessly deliver digital Good Faith Estimates, which provide a reasonable estimate of where, when, and how often an employee can expect work. 
  • Advance Notice of Schedules (Predictive Scheduling): Deputy enables staff to view their schedule on any internet-enabled computer, mobile device, or tablet so that they can effectively manage and record when they work. 
  • Minimize Schedule Change Premiums (Predictability Pay): Deputy’s powerful demand planning feature ensures that schedules are accurate in the first instance, minimizing the need for schedule changes that trigger predictability pay. When such changes are necessary, Deputy recognizes when predictability pay is required, and automatically applies it to the employee’s timesheet.
  • Right to Rest Between Shifts (No Clopenings): “Clopening” occurs when an employee closes, and then opens the next day. Deputy’s software tools recognize the requirement for rest between shifts and avoid scheduling anyone in a way that will trigger a clopening penalty.
  • Access to Hours: A key pillar of Fair Workweek law is providing existing part-time employees with the opportunity to pursue full-time employment. Deputy’s Open Shift tool enables employees to view and claim available shifts, facilitating more control over their schedules.  
  • Record Keeping: Deputy records schedules, tracks schedule changes and employee consent and captures employee penalty payments. This helps in meeting a requirement by Fair Workweek, in which, employers must generally maintain records documenting compliance for often up to three years.

To learn more about how your business can comply with the latest Fair Workweek policies nationwide, visit Deputy’s Ultimate Fair Workweek Guide. Download Deputy’s E-Book to Philadelphia Fair Workweek for more information on Philadelphia-specific policies, and check out Deputy’s Chicago Fair Workweek Guide for resources and policy information for the Windy City. 

Fair Workweek updates are also now available for both Chicago and Philadelphia-based companies on the Deputy Enterprise App. Visit the App Store or Google Play to download the app and to learn more.

About Deputy

Founded in 2008, Deputy’s mission is to make it easy for workplaces and employees to navigate the changing world of workforce management. The company simplifies scheduling, timesheets, tasks and communication for business owners and their workers. Deputy’s software navigates workforce legislation calculating correct wages, entitlements and penalties - keeping your business compliant and employees protected.  More than 250,000 workplaces globally are leveraging Deputy to make it easier for millions of shift workers to manage their work lives. For more information, visit, or find us on Twitter, Facebook, the App Store or Google Play.


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